Niobrara Riverview        Retreats

How To Find US

We have provided two tools to help you find out how to get here. Hope you find them useful! The first is an interactive Google Map. With it you can put in your address and it will map a route to our camp and even give you the mileage. The second is a simple map with local directions once you get close.

To use Google Maps to find out location: Click on the blue FROM HERE link.  This will open a new Google map, then got to DIRECTIONS and enter your address.  This will provide you with the distance, driving time route to reach our location.


Niobrara Riverview Retreats 89511 Schlagel Creek Road PO Box 414 Valentine, NE 69201 Phone: 402-322-0640 Cell or 402-376-5052 Cell Email:

Having problems with directions, contact us at one of the following phone numbers for a recommended route. ***You can also enter our address 89511 Schlagel Creek Road, Valentine, NE 69201 into your navigation application on your phone or on your car navigation system.